Approximately 25 percent of the population in Bangladesh remains food-insecure

Bangladesh’s current crisis has been many years in the making. 36 percent of children younger than five years of age suffer from stunting, a common measure of chronic malnutrition, WFP reports.

Just 1 meal a day

“Our life is very difficult and we depend on begging people in the town and charities [for support]… but today we are very happy as I received these food packages,”Hakima says.

Providing food among displaced communities

KKB is providing emergency relief and development projects in Bangladesh in response to the acute humanitarian need and mass displacement, including tackling the spiraling levels of child malnutrition.

Hakima and her family have been supported by KKB’s. The project aims to save lives through early diagnosis and referral to health professionals, as well as to address the underlying causes of malnutrition.

These packages provide Hakima’s family and many others with some temporary relief, but so many more of the most vulnerable are in need of help. Please help them to begin the process of rebuilding their lives. 

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