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We have long been prioritizing environmental sustainability in all our projects. Many of the people in the developing world suffer the consequences of our irresponsible and indulgent lifestyle choices so it is our responsibility to be aware of the environmental impact that our actions have on others.
At KKB, we believe in operating projects in partnership with communities to deliver effective support that works in harmony with the surrounding environment. This means working locally to find sustainable solutions to the problems that people face.
This can take many forms. Rather than flooding markets with foreign produce, we purchase food, clothes, and other necessities in the vicinity, or as close by as possible which reduces the carbon footprint and also boosts business for local traders.
Rather than clearing land for farming, we encourage the planting of orchards to bind the soil and provide people with a natural, long-term income source. Instead of using generators to produce electricity on new builds, we use solar energy to reduce CO2 emissions. And environment forms an important part of our school curriculum, ensuring that the green message is passed on to future generations.
For example, our solar energy initiative installs solar panels in rural communities, offsetting carbon emissions and providing reliable power. We also train farmers on climate-smart practices to improve soil health and reduce water usage.
Last year, our program helped 80 families switch to solar energy, preventing tons of CO2 emissions annually.
90% of your donation directly funds program implementation, supporting initiatives like solar panel installation materials and training for technicians. We keep administrative costs below 7% through volunteer efforts and strategic partnerships.
Volunteer your skills to help us fundraise or educate others. Share your story on social media to raise awareness and inspire others to take action.