يوجد في العالم اليوم أكثر من 300 مليون طفل في سن التعليم حول العالم خارج المدارس. ويعود السبب في ذلك إلى عوامل متعددة منها عدم توفر المنشآت التعليمية المناسبة، ونقص الكادر التعليمي المؤهل وضعف الإقبال على التعليم في الكثير من المناطق لصعوبة الظروف خصوصاً في المناطق الريفية وتلك المتأثرة بالصراعات. وبدعمك لمشاريع التعليم والثقافة، فأنت تساهم في جعل المستقبل أكثر أماناً والعالم مكاناً أفضل للعيش.
KKB offers a range of educational programs tailored to meet the needs of different communities. Each program is designed to address the unique educational challenges faced by the communities we serve, focusing on inclusivity, accessibility, and quality education.
Sustainability and impact are at the core of our approach. KKB works closely with local communities, educators, and stakeholders to ensure that our educational initiatives are culturally relevant, locally supported, and sustainable. We continuously monitor and evaluate our programs to assess their impact and make necessary adjustments. Our goal is to create lasting change that empowers communities to take charge of their educational development.
There are several ways to support our mission. Individuals can volunteer their time, or donate resources. Organizations can collaborate with us through partnerships, funding support, or by providing expertise and resources. We welcome all forms of support that align with our mission and help us expand and enhance our educational programs.